Comment procéder pour importer mes données ?

Quelle procédure dois-je suivre pour importer mes données sur un site que je crée chez Communityforge?
Technical specifications
NB: import data is not mandatory , you may well copy these informations manually on your web site.
Warning: All imported dates should respect format: 01-05-2012
Members list import
If you have already defined your members geographic location , you will be able to set a dropdown list with the locations (neighborhoods) of your community to filter these members .
Make sure that "Cforge launch" and "User Import Framework" modules are activated.
Visit page « your web site address »/admin/people/uif « User import help » on top of that page will help you to prepare your file correctly.
Set your data in the table « drupal-7 import members ».
Only 3 columns are mandatory : "mail", "first_name" and "neighborhoods". The email address must be unique (no duplicates) and valid (correctly formatted as follows: "[email protected]"): For your ‘no email’ members 'papers' you have to invent correctly formatted email adress (for example "[email protected]" , "[email protected]" …and so on )
If you want to keep your previous users numbers, check that the module uid_login is activated and fill the column "uid" with the users numbers. Do not use account numbers that are already on the new site: N°1 accoun is a system account and can not be attributed to any of your members, the N°2 account is assigned to the first local admin. Be aware that the system will increment one by one member’s numbers, which can be difficult when you have "gaps" in the numbering due to former members departure. A solution may be to create non-active members to "fill the gaps".
Do not forget to convert the .xls file in .csv format with the utf8 character set before import it with page « your web site address »/admin/people/uif . If the system tells that a column cannot be found , and that you are sure it does exists , than check the separators.
Disable Uid_login module when finished, if you want to login with your username and not with your membership number.
Import your offers
Visit page « your web site address »/admin/content/im_offers
You will find first informations about how to import offers with that page .
Be careful ! Do not use the 4 characters « , ; | (carriage return) » in your data, they would generate mistakes.
Save your Excel file in a « .csv » format
Titles order for columns "uid", "title", "categories", "body", "changed", "created" has no importance .
When the file is saved, open the CSV file with a text editor (Notepad, ...) and copy/paste its content on the page « your web site address »/admin/content/im_offers
Your file should look like this:
"uid", "title", "categories", "body", "changed", "created"
"7", "test offers", "Miscellaneous," "The description of my offer", "02-03-2013"," 01-06-2013 "
Import your requests
Visit page « your web site address »/admin/content/im_wants
You will find a help text about how to import your requests with that page.
Be careful ! Do not use the 4 characters « , ; | (carriage return) » in your data, they would generate mistakes.
Save your Excel file in a « .csv » format
Titles order for columns "uid", "title", "categories", "body", "changed", "created" has no importance .
When the file is saved, open the CSV file with a text editor (Notepad, ...) and copy/paste its content on the page « your web site address »/admin/content/im_wants .
Your file should look like this:
"uid", "title", "categories", "body", "changed", "created"
"7", "test demand", "Miscellaneous," "The description of my demand", "02-03- 2013, "" 01-06-2013 "
Import your exchanges
Visit page « your web site address »/admin/accounting/import/transactions
If you need help, contact the helpdesk volunteers with this email address: [email protected]
This data import could be tedious for large communities, we are asking for 20€ per hour to do that job or an hour for an hour expressed in « beads » which is our currency.
How much costs a standard import (for a 50 members community): If you prepare correctly your lists, you can estimate :
- about one hour to import the list of your members 1 hour = 1 Bead
- about one hour to import the list of offers and requests
- about half an hour to import your categories (30 minutes = 1/2 Bead )
If needs precisions and updates or modify data after import (such as "Membership number" "member since ...", "balance" and "amount of exchanges"), the number of hours required may triple.
No invoice is created: Once the job realized and the time required is communicated, we expect your good will to donate money or time.
Remember that you do not need to import data , you may well encode information manually on your web site.